Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Character's judgement day part 1, Chaos High preview and more!

                     Character's Judgment Day part 1

          Giving good character's their praise and bad creator's their hate.

Now, let's start with a character with no backstory, no redeeming qualities, she's just a recolor. The OC is....
Rosa by Cielthenoble
She is just another Twilight recolor except, according to her creator when I asked her about her backstory, flaws, and personality he/she said...
If you couldn't read that let me just say it "she is twilight's sister
and she focus's more on making friends then stud". She's just a recolor! That's why I think she deserves the hate.
Now here's a good one, Dalaney by DalaneyBugg.

She looks great and she actually has a backstory and all that other stuff that make's a character "Name: Dalaney Elizabeth the Cat
species: genetically altered cat
powers: Water and Shadows and Can use Demon powers when needed
Attribute: speed
gender: female (another duh)
Age: 17
Orientation: straight
Relation status: Engaged (currently) with Sorrow Longwing
Theme: rather be by clean bandit or Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Personality: Quick tempered, Sweet, compassionate, Highly intelligent, minds her business
Likes: doodling, writing, swordsmanship, fighting for the right of her friends, kicking some ass (XD), cuddling (shes a cuddler), Swimming (yes I know cats hate water but she loves it)
Dislikes: people who hate others, people who abuse animals/chao, Evil tenancies and Temptations"
And her bio was revealed in this video...
This character gets a good grade, 10/10!


Now to our main event, the best thing to happen in this blog yet...

                Chaos High Preview and Information!

Okay, so me and my best friend Victoria have been working on it since 6th grade and we really hope for this to become our greatest project yet! We're thinking about turning this in to an animated series so we need you! I'll be voice acting for Eliza, the character I based off myself. There's still other characters, I'll summarize them quickly in this short list.
  1. Luna: Extremely brooding, b**** when angry, Gothic.
  2. Tori: Optimist, naive, a bit childish, animal lover.
  3. Flame: Athlete, a bit of a mentor, perfectionist.
  4. Flora: Curious, paranoid, analytical.
  5. Ella: Seductive, hot-headed, often in over her head.
  6. Nicole: Whiny, won't shut up, egotistical.
  7. Nova: Silent, emotionless, wise for her age.
And more! So, I'll only be showing the audition lines for these characters...
Luna: *sarcastic* If it's you, yes. You interrupted my monologue!
Luna: *miserable* Y-yeah, I'm fine, just need some time alone.
Luna: *pissed off* How about we do the project on no good, cheating, back stabbing, vampires.

Tori: *annoyed* I said call me Kiwi!
Tori: *happy* Luney! I've been so lonely, I was afraid you weren't here!
Tori: *crying* I can't believe you'd do this, we're sis-

Flame: *neutral* Look, we've all been through this type of misery, you just need to get over it.
Flame: *exhausted* One.... more... lap.*faints of dehydration*
Flame: *happy* Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

Flora: *annoyed/angry* You said no to zombies, vampires, witches and now werewolves, what can we do!
Flora: *neutral* Deal, and if one of us loses... we have to go in to the human world, no weapons or armor.
Flora: *mutters angrily* Why do I like you again?

Ella: *seductive* Hey~
Ella: *b@#$%y* Well, well, well, if it isn't little Ms. Grim.
Ella: *lustful* Do you blame me, he's so hot~

Nicole: *annoyed* Just because your dead doesn't mean you have to hate the living!
Nicole: *bashful* H-hey Brad.
Nicole: *b@#$%y* About how your not us.

Nova: *shy* Umm... so.... why are we doing this again?
Nova: *silent* T-thank you.
Nova: *shy* Like ice, my heart soon becomes frozen, no love, no joy.

Audition through a video then send it to me, make sure to note me at http://majoragirl.deviantart.com/

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